Newcastle Racecourse Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 5HP

Thursday 11th July: 10:00 – 12:30

Innovation is a tricky thing to get right and a difficult thing to manage, but it's really not an option anymore. We have to keep improving and getting better at whatever it is we do.

So why not do it BIG and FAST !

We'll be at the Northumbrian Water Innovation Festival, where over the last seven years they've brought together thousands of people from hundreds of different organisations who get together for a week to tackle the various challenges facing the water industry.

And they do it well. In fact one of the key actvities is 'A Years Worth of Work in a Week'

So we're here to learn from the best. As well as the innovation team from NW, we'll be hearing from some of the other companies that are working with them, to find out how they approach innovation, and make it pay.

And we'll be in amongst some amazing design sprints, hackathons and exhibitions, as well as great food, drink, music and people, so why not make a day of it.

Speakers include -

Angela MacOscar, Head of Innovation, Northumbrian Water

Angela is part of the team that brings the Festival to life every year, but more importantly leads on innovation in the company, on projects to tackle leaks, track pipelines, encourage water savings, or fix pipes without digging. So she knows a thing or two about creating and fostering an innovative culture.

Prior to Northumbrian Water she developed products for Procter and Gamble, one of the most innovative copanies in the world, so she has a lot of knowledge to share.

Further speakers will be announced soon


Rise and Design lasts for approximately three hours, and includes networking before and after speakers. There is a chance to pitch at the end of the speakers' presentations. We encourage all delegates to stay after presentations for networking - it is one of the most valuable parts of Rise and Design.



Design Network North was established in 2007 with the aim of...

‘increasing the contribution that design makes to the economy’

We firmly believe that great design can improve any product, service or business. If you’re a business who needs some design input to develop a new product or to improve something you do already, we can introduce you to someone who can help.