Bring it On 2019!
The North East Exhibition for Future Engineers
Bring it On, the largest celebration of engineering in the North East, returns for the third year in a row.
This event is a collaboration of national and regional businesses who are helping to close the skills gap for engineering by allowing young people to experience real hands-on activities.
Bring It On North East will take place on 9th and 10th October at the Beacon of Light in Sunderland, bringing together education and industry.
The event is a winning combination of exciting interactive workshops and exhibits, careers information and a live show, welcoming over 80 businesses and 2,500 pupils from across the region through the doors of Sunderland’s most innovative sports and education facility.
Bring It On is the only event of its kind in the North East aiming to provide a grand arena for schools and industry to engage with each other, collaborate and build a passionate community feel around Engineering and the fantastic career opportunities it offers. Carol Harrison, Bring It On Project Manager said:
“Bring It On has established itself as the unique opportunity in the North East for both local children to interact and learn from real-life engineering professionals, and businesses to showcase the very best of their services and to inspire the engineers of tomorrow.
“The post-event questionnaire results from last year’s event indicated that Bring it On had a positive impact on increasing students’ knowledge and perceptions. 154% noted an increase in their knowledge and understanding about what people working in Engineering do.
“I’d implore anyone who has yet to experience this event to get in touch!"
In addition to the main exhibition, which will exclusively feature North East Engineering companies, Bring It On will host the North East Regional Heat of the ‘Big Bang’ a national competition which aims, amongst other things, to build transferable skills by providing opportunities to take part in project-based activity.
Exhibit: We are filling up quickly, but still have some availability for businesses to take a stand and showcase some of their innovation in an exciting and engaging way. This exhibition is not just about giving out flyers, its about inspiring the next generation, and really engaging them in the possibilities of engineering.
Get your schools involved: We are nearly at capacity, but still have a few school places left so if you know any kids who you think would love to attend, then let their school know of this great opportunity.
Support the event: There are opportunities available to financially support different aspects of the event to make sure it really makes a difference to those attending.
If you would like to get involved please get in touch here
If you would like to find out more about the two-day innovative exhibition visit For more information on the Big Bang Near You programme.