Rise and Design: Chit Chat Networking
Friday 13th December: 10:00 – 12:30
It's that time of year again, when we let the Design Network North family tell each other all about what they do, what they love, or perhaps something that fascinates them.
For those of you unfamiliar with the 'Chit Chat' concept (we used to call it Pecha Kucha, but Pecha Kucha Inc. have become quite precious about people using the name), it's a way of presenting your talk in a 19x21 format. Each speaker gets 19 slides in total, with 21 seconds per slide to tell everyone about themselves, what they do and why you should talk to them afterwards. The slides advance automatically so each presentation will last exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Which is just about our average attention span !
There are 15 speaker places available, on a first come first served basis, so if you want to present a talk don't hang about. And if you've never given a talk before, this is a really good way to start. It happens so fast you don't get time to be nervous. And we can guarantee a very appreciative crowd.
You might even be treated to mince pies (bring your own), and another Christmas tradition - People Looking Through Things!
Supply Chain North East sees four key partners joining forces to work with over 800 businesses between 2018-2021 supporting businesses to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Growth Hub, Supply Chain North East is delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC). Supply Chain North East is receiving up to £3,148,514 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.