Marketing Verses Sales – get the best of both
By Urban River
Marketing and sales aren’t the same – and shouldn’t be treated as such. They’re two very different departments that have been known to have issues with each other, but it doesn’t have to be this way. By ensuring the two are working together, you could have sales and marketing teams that consistently bring business to your door.
When sales and marketing teams work together, companies see 36% higher customer retention.
Hold regular meetings
Let’s start by making sure that both teams actually know each other. Ask them to hold regular meetings. This way they can discuss some of the things that are happening in their departments. Sales will need to be aware of any upcoming campaigns. Whilst marketing will need to know how their current campaigns are running and if they are performing well in the sales department. Keeping each other up to speed will prevent confusion later!
Collaborate on campaigns
Whilst marketing may well enjoy putting their own campaigns together – they shouldn’t do so without input from sales. The sales team speak to clients every single day. Whereas marketing probably have very little one-on-one contact with customers, apart from through an occasional Facebook message. By tapping into feedback from customers, marketing will be able to create an outstanding campaign that reaches out to what a client really wants.
It’s important that the communications pushed by both teams are exactly the same. You don’t want a client to stumble across two completely different key messages. Both teams need to agree on how they want the customer to engage in the campaign, and on exactly what they want the customer to do. When sales and marketing go their own ways and don’t agree on outcomes, the client will find themselves in a fragmented customer journey that will lead to them walking away.
When sales and marketing teams work together, companies see 38% higher sales win rates.
Share needs and support each other
Both teams need to be honest and open about their needs – and give the other the support they require. For example, marketing should be creating quality content for the sales team as often as they create content for their own team. When putting together a campaign, they should be asking sales what they need. Sales equally should be sharing feedback. If there is a clear client need that isn’t being met, a key marketing message that isn’t well understood by its audience, or a product that isn’t selling. Sales should be sharing this information with marketing so that they can respond. This collaboration is essential so both teams meet their targets – and so that you get more customers!
Spend time in the other’s shoes
Has anyone in your marketing team spent time on the phones? Do sales know what goes into a communications plan? Then maybe it’s time to mix things up! Ask members of each team to spend a day shadowing the other. Watching how things are done by the other side will develop a new level of understanding. You’re likely to find that each department is inspired by what they have learnt. So by seeing the other team’s issues and problems, they’ll be able to provide each other with better support.
Companies with aligned marketing and sales teams generate more revenue.
Don’t forget that marketing need recognition too
The sales team will probably work to targets. So it’s vital that they are able to take the credit for their sales. However, this can make the marketing team feel really left out. It could be disheartening to see sales take all the glory for a marketing campaign they worked hard on planning and preparing. By reassuring the sales team that their wins won’t be removed from their spreadsheets if they give some of the credit to marketing – you will encourage the two departments to celebrate each other and give credit where it is due. After all – one can’t function without the other.
Misalignment between sales and marketing teams can cost your business dearly.
And there you have it – a few ideas to get your sales and marketing departments working together in a harmony. What techniques have you implemented in your organisation that got the best out of both teams? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn!
This Blog post has been produced by Design Network North Members- Urban River, the Newcastle web design agency, they can help you with your marketing campaigns – both online and offline. Get in touch today on 0191 423 5688.